
class trajminer.similarity.LCSS(dist_functions, thresholds)

Longest Common SubSequence.

dist_functionsarray-like, shape (n_features)

Specifies the distance functions used for each trajectory attribute.

thresholdsarray-like, shape (n_features)

Specifies the thresholds used for each trajectory attribute.

Vlachos, M., Kollios, G., & Gunopulos, D. (2002). Discovering similar multidimensional trajectories. In Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. 18th International Conference on (pp. 673-684). IEEE.

__init__(dist_functions, thresholds)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

similarity(t1, t2)

Computes the similarity score of the given trajectories.

t1array-like, shape (n_points, n_features)

Input trajectory.

t2array-like, shape (n_points, n_features)

Input trajectory.


Similarity score (between 0 and 1).